Download free into the spider verse
Download free into the spider verse

download free into the spider verse

  • The Crucible takes place in 1692 in and near Salem, a small town in the Massachusetts Bay Colony that had been founded in the early 1600’s by a group of Christians called Puritans.
  • Who is the protagonist? Is there more than one?.
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    Action in a play may occur over a much longer period of time than the performance takes.They indicate a change in location or the passage of time during a play.As you read, decide which characters, if any, are expressing the author’s real beliefs.The author must speak through the characters.Helps reveal the plot and character of the play.Plot typically develops in the following pattern:.The series of related events that revolve around a central conflict.Setting can also affect the views expressed by characters.Typically described at the beginning and throughout as the setting changes (act and scene changes).

    download free into the spider verse

  • The setting often helps to create the mood of the play.
  • The time and place in which the events of a play occur.
  • The audience continues to learn about the characters through their actions and through the dialogue.
  • The playwright may further describe the character when he or she first appears in the play.
  • A short description of the characters may be included.
  • A cast of characters is listed at the beginning of a a play.
  • Comedy – a light, humorous play with a happy ending.
  • Tragedy – a play in which the protagonist usually comes to an unhappy end.
  • The protagonist is usually in conflict with one or more antagonists.
  • The protagonist is the character around whom the action revolves.
  • Tell how characters should look, speak, act, and move on the stage.
  • Instructions to help actors, directors, and readers visualize what is happening onstage.
  • The words that are spoken by the characters.
  • The story is told through the words and actions of the characters.
  • (AKA play) a story that has been written to be performed by actors for an audience.

  • Download free into the spider verse